Builders Reporting Material Shortages Hits Record High - Real Estate, Updates, News & Tips

Builders Reporting Material Shortages Hits Record High

The challenges to build a home continue to mount for the nation’s builders. Material shortages—such as for lumber, appliances, windows, and doors—are at the tightest levels in history, the National Association of Home Builders reports.

About 90% of builders recently surveyed across the country reported shortages of appliances, framing lumber, oriented strand board, plywood, and more, the survey shows. The shortages have worsened over the past year when fewer than 40% of builders reported a decrease in building products and materials.

The latest building material shortages are increasing building timelines and prompting a delay in construction. It’s also leading to higher prices.

Source: “Record Numbers of Builders Report Material Shortages,” National Association of Home Builders’ Eye on Housing blog (May 27, 2021)

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